CVB, textbook example of public-private partnership

With a joint implementation process and a joint campaign, “Prepared for the Container Release Notice”, Customs, Portbase and industry bodies have joined forces to ensure the smooth introduction of the Container Release Notice (CVB). Jointly informing and activating parties to prepare properly has enabled all cargo flows to be transported quickly to the hinterland. Elliot Donata of Customs and Marty van Pelt of Portbase look back and ahead together.

The introduction of the Container Release Notice (CVB) had been hanging over the market for several years. After being postponed several times, partly due to Brexit, the first phase of the CVB was introduced on 4 October 2021. The customs process for inbound cargo has been significantly altered by the CVB. Goods can only be taken from the port once an additional customs declaration has been made. With the advent of the CVB, there must be a match between the shipbroker/shipping company’s Declaration for Temporary Storage (ATO) and the import declaration. And an import declaration can be submitted only after the vessel arrives. In other words, the parties in the chain have become even more dependent on one another.

One message, one solution

Van Pelt: “It was clear to Portbase at an early stage that the CVB would lead to chain dependency. Everyone – Customs, shipping companies, forwarders, terminals – had an interest in a smooth implementation. Based on our role within the port community, we therefore proposed setting up a joint chain project. The aim was to offer a single solution to the market with a single message, so that even after the introduction of the CVB, goods could be moved from the port quickly with the minimum of administration. In my opinion, we have managed that very successfully together.” The CVB campaign is a joint initiative by Customs, Portbase and the industry bodies Deltalinqs, VRC, VRTO, Fenex, TLN, evofenedex, CBRB and Alliantie Douane Software (Customs Software Alliance).

Donata: “Portbase tackled the Container Release Notice process in a highly effective manner. They developed a joint campaign website and established a chain forum which included all the parties involved in order to ensure a consistent approach and message. Each meeting also focused on current issues and how to provide a single response as chain partners. The FAQs on the campaign website were immediately updated accordingly. As the questions that came up became more and more policy-focused over the course of the process, the role of Customs naturally increased.”

Website for questions

Van Pelt: “It proved to be a textbook example of effective public-private partnership. Naturally, Customs is the authority, but they are always open to coordination and consultation within the legal frameworks. That is pretty unique. Policy issues were addressed in the chain forum and discussed in the Customs-business forum (Overleg Douane Bedrijfsleven). In parallel to their own website, they have started using the campaign website as a single central resource for answering all frequently asked questions about the Container Release Notice.”

Donata: “Using the campaign website for this purpose was a significant step for us at Customs and is often used as an example internally. We see it as an effective solution for connecting with the target audience better. The integration with other channels was also important. At Customs, we set up a separate mailbox for questions relating to the Container Release Notice. Users could access it through the campaign website and it provided input for updating and supplementing the FAQs.”

Integrated whole

Van Pelt: “The campaign website linked customs information to the logistics process. The end result was a truly integrated whole. I feel that is the strength of this approach. We also did everything in partnership with industry bodies, who have always communicated a single message to their members. A key thing was that we turned a common problem into a common solution.”

Donata: “It was a combination of things. For example, in addition to the website, we held information sessions and webinars in conjunction with the industry bodies. That increased trust, which is reflected in the final result. Beforehand, there were fears that the introduction of the Container Release Notice in October would bring the port to a standstill. In the end, those fears proved unfounded. Not necessarily because companies did everything right, but because solutions had been devised beforehand on how to mitigate any mistakes. In addition, a crisis team was on standby for two weeks after 4 October. Through the chain forum and a Whatsapp group, issues were immediately communicated and addressed.”

Promoting prenotifications

Van Pelt: “In the CVB campaign, there was a strong emphasis on the benefits of using prenotifications, supplemented by an (automatic) presentation notification from Portbase’s Port Community System (PCS). As a result, notifying parties do not have to wait until the goods have been discharged before making the additional customs declaration. Companies that are linked to the Portbase service Cargo Controller also receive a ‘trigger’ to automatically send the required presentation notification to Customs in real time. Which is why we also included the industry body for software suppliers in the process. After all, prenotifications require the right software and the use of the right trigger from Portbase.”

Donata: “Of all import declarations, about 20% to 25% are now done using prenotifications. Using them really makes a huge difference for companies. It means they are much better able to plan – for example, because they already know in advance whether we want to inspect the goods at Customs.”

Van Pelt: “I would like to urge those who are not yet working with prenotifications: as a notifying party, talk to your software provider about it. This way of working is faster and more efficient not only for notifying parties but also for the rest of the logistics chain. It therefore results in more accurate planning for carriers and terminals. By using Cargo Controller, notifying parties also get access to the summary declarations submitted by shipbrokers/shipping companies. In addition to reusing data, they are thus ensuring better quality in the declaration process.”

Next steps

Donata: “October’s launch of the Container Release Notice was the first of four plateaus, in this case dealing specifically with imports. Plateau 2 for transit cargo will be addressed once the new customs system for transit goes live. No formal decision has yet been taken about the scheduling of the following plateaus. We will notify businesses at least six months before the planned launch. At Customs, we definitely intend to continue on the same joint footing for the subsequent plateaus. I expect that cooperation will only increase, particularly with regard to choices in the design phase.”

Van Pelt: “There are always areas for improvement, but Customs, industry bodies and Portbase can be collectively proud of the way we tackled the CVB. We do need to realise that being able to cooperate with Customs in this way is quite special. I believe that, just as we did for Brexit and now the CVB, we should also take a broadly-based approach to future logistical challenges. The chain is so interdependent. Let’s make that pie bigger together!”

Doing more for road, inland waterway and rail

Working with as many different parties as possible, Portbase wants to systematically improve the hinterland transport of containers over the coming years. Through the major Data Fuel programme, concrete improvements and innovations are being implemented step by step in the exchange of information for road, inland waterway and rail.

Data Fuel strengthens the hinterland chain. The programme offers solutions to the many challenges that inland operators face in their day-to-day operations. Globally disrupted shipping schedules, peak loads at terminals, etc. only add to the urgency for improvement. Scheduling the delivery and collection of containers has become hugely complex for inland operators. Project manager Remmert Braat of Portbase compares it to shooting at a moving target. At the same time, customers in the hinterland are becoming ever more demanding. Changing laws and regulations, ambitious climate targets, etc. constitute additional challenges for hinterland transport.

More than nineteen different screens

Based on its central, neutral role in information exchange in port logistics chains, Portbase currently offers hinterland inland operators a service for prenotifying containers and visiting terminals in the shape of Hinterland Container Notification (HCN). But that is not nearly enough, says Braat. “HCN only covers a very small part of the hinterland chain. As a result, inland operators do not get sufficient added value. In order to plan, they currently have to get bits of information from all over the place – from the shipping company, from the customer, from the delivery/collection address, from the terminal and so on. They are all islands, with the potential for a cascade of problems. Everyone does the best they can, but it is far being from a well-oiled chain. TLN has calculated that an inland operator consults more than nineteen different screens for each container. Sixty percent of their time is spent getting the administrative side of the booking in order. That not only costs time and therefore money, it is also prone to errors. And if just thing is not in order, the container cannot be collected or delivered.”

TLN has calculated that a inland operator consults more than nineteen different screens for each container

Smooth data exchange throughout the chain

For Portbase, collaborating with as many different parties as possible to ensure a smooth exchange of information throughout the hinterland chain is therefore a logical step. Within Data Fuel, an important contribution to this goal is the Container Dossier project. The ultimate aim is to make all the required chain information securely and centrally accessible to everyone who has permission at all times. That won’t happen overnight, Braat emphasises. “Transparency requires trust.” To that end, improvements and expansions will be implemented in the service HCN step by step over the next few years, based on the wishes of the market. A lot of information is already available within Portbase (about vessel visits, imports, exports, etc.). That data can be efficiently linked together with permission from the owners. “However, in an ideal world, you want to have the entire process covered from the booking at the front end to the proof of delivery at the back end.” An initial pilot project that involves a forwarder authorising an inland operator (= secure) and automatically preparing cargo data for them in HCN and adding more as it becomes available is already up and running. “Everyone is welcome to join the pilot. Those who participate will notice the difference immediately. There is no need to retype the same information, container statuses are automatically displayed to the inland operators’ customers.”

In an ideal world, you want to have the entire process covered from the booking at the front end to the proof of delivery at the back end

Other components of Data Fuel

Other major projects underway as part of Data Fuel include Nextlogic for inland shipping and the Rail Connected Programme. Nextlogic’s development of integrated planning is already well advanced for visiting container barges. “At Portbase, we are currently investing a lot of time in supporting concrete implementation within HCN.” The initiator of the Rail Connected Programme is the Port of Rotterdam. Portbase is acting as the main supplier. “That starts with laying a foundation for further digitisation in the rail sector via HCN. Other parties can then innovate further from there.”

Doing it together

Data Fuel is a multi-year programme in which Portbase is working towards the end goal with as many parties as possible. Braat: “Changes in the chain take time and don’t happen by themselves. The market is extremely fragmented. Plus, a lot of information is still exchanged by e-mail. Step by step, we need to demonstrate to companies how Data Fuel can save them money as a result of less retyping, fewer errors and better scheduling in a more secure environment.” To achieve that, Portbase wants to set up a broadly-based campaign for Data Fuel with the Port of Rotterdam and industry bodies, along the lines of the Brexit campaign. “We need to do this together”.

Step by step, we need to demonstrate to companies what Data Fuel will do for them in terms of savings

Interlocutor for government agencies

Quickly and efficiently exchanging information with government agencies – within the Port Community System (PCS), a significant number of services are directed towards that goal. The information is then reused in the PCS for subsequent links in the chain. To the business community, this might seem to happen by itself. But that is not the case. Laws and regulations are constantly changing, government policies are constantly evolving. Long before any change becomes concrete, Portbase is already discussing the matter in Brussels and The Hague. In this way, the introduction of amendments is always aligned as closely as possible with the daily practice of the port community.

“Since Portbase’s aim is to make the logistics chains via the Dutch ports as attractive as possible by providing a one-stop shop, we are constantly sitting down with government agencies,” says Mees van der Wiel, Business Consultant at the Strategy & Innovation department. This is important work done behind the scenes which PCS participants know little or nothing about. “We always take a long-term view of the impact on maritime logistics of laws and regulations which are in the pipeline. Based on that, we can maintain or further improve our services. The earlier we are involved in a legislative process, the better we can contribute our knowledge. By being involved in the creation of new laws and regulations from the outset, we can ensure that the port community is properly taken into account. So we always want to be part of the process as early as possible.”

We are constantly sitting down with different government agencies

Excellent cooperation with IenW

Important interlocutors for Portbase are the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW), Dutch Customs and the European Commission. A crucial, topical issue in relation to IenW is the Digital Transport Strategy for Goods Transport. By means of this strategy, the ministry is pushing for a fully digitised transportation chain, in which government agencies and companies share data in an open, trusted and neutral way. It includes three major concrete projects: the introduction in the Netherlands of the European Maritime Single Window (EMSWe), the electronic Freight Transport Information Regulation (eFTI) and the development of the Basic Data Infrastructure. “These projects are contributing to our goals of achieving smooth, safe and sustainable multimodal freight transport,” says Adriaan Zeillemaker, deputy director of Maritime Affairs at IenW. “Through the strong focus on digitisation, we are enhancing the competitiveness of the logistics sector. This is hugely important, because logistics is the lifeblood of the Dutch economy.” In practice, the three projects could have a major impact on Portbase’s services. Van der Wiel explains: “Portbase is contributing to the discussions on these developments on behalf of the mainports of Rotterdam and Amsterdam.”

The Ministry of IenW is pushing for a fully digitised transportation chain

Zeilemaker continues: “Portbase’s PCS is an integral part of the transportation chain. It is also part of our ‘coalition of the willing’ for the Basic Data Infrastructure. Together with the mainports, Cargonaut and Customs, we are working on the first version of this new method of sharing data.” Van der Wiel describes the relationship with IenW as excellent. “Our discussions go very smoothly. We meet at least once every two weeks. And we know we can get in touch if there is something we need to discuss in the interim. The ministry understands our world better and better, and vice versa – over the years we have come to understand much more clearly how laws and regulations are created and where the sensitivities lie.”

Sounding board for Customs

Another important interlocutor for Portbase is Dutch Customs. “As part of a sounding board group, we are currently participating in discussions about ICS2, a new customs system for submitting Entry Summary Declarations (ENS) through a central European portal instead of directly to Dutch Customs.” In combination with the new EMSWe, this may lead to shifts in information flows, Van der Wiel anticipates. “We are talking about implementation with the ports, Customs and IenW. In the interests of our community, we are putting forward ideas about how to properly implement these changes. We want to minimise the impact on Portbase as far as possible. The ports must be able to continue to function optimally.”

Brussels is where it all happens

Portbase also frequently encounters IenW and Customs in Brussels. “The most important decisions are ultimately taken by the European Commission”, says Van der Wiel. “Whenever the matter of digital information exchange is being considered, we want to be there.” He himself has been sent to Brussels by Portbase as a representative for IPCSA (International Port Community Systems Association). “At the European Commission, we are constantly contributing our knowledge.” We often do so with others, for example IenW and Dutch Customs. “But IPCSA also works in concert with the European interest groups representing ports (ESPO), forwarders (CLECAT), shipping companies (ESCA and WSC), shipbrokers (ECASBA) and terminals (FEPORT). Cooperation is essential in order ensure that the European Commission always arrives at good decisions for maritime logistics.”

Whenever the matter of digital information exchange is being considered in Brussels, we want to be there


Securely Sharing Data Together

When making payments from a bank account, these days we tend to take an extra security code for granted. No one wants to give criminals any opportunity. In a similar way, Portbase is introducing an additional security step for access to the Port Community System (PCS). From next summer, all our approximately 4,000 customers will be working with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). It is one element of a broad programme called ‘Securely Sharing Data Together’.

In ‘Securely Sharing Data Together’, Portbase is joining forces with government agencies, industry bodies, the Port of Rotterdam Authority, the Port of Amsterdam Authority and the port business community. The reason for this comprehensive programme, which was launched in early 2022, is the ever-increasing level of crime at the ports. Data is a much sought-after commodity by criminals – for example, in order to gain access to terminals, illegally remove containers or pick up drugs.

The reason for ‘Securely Sharing Data Together’ is ever-increasing crime

Leading role for Portbase

Given Portbase’s key position in the daily exchange of information within the port logistics chains, taking a leading role in enhancing the security of data is a logical step. Technology is by no means always the area of greatest vulnerability in systems. Digital break-ins, leaks of personal data or thefts of PINs are often the result of people acting carelessly, often without realising it.

The vulnerability of systems is often the result of human actions, conscious or unconscious

Three tracks

Portbase is pursuing ‘Securely Sharing Data Together’ along three tracks:

  • Secure identities; measures, including MFA, to make sure you always know who you are doing business with and who is allowed to perform which actions.
  • Secure chains; releasing containers at terminals via a
    chain of trust instead of fraud-prone PINs or similar keys;
  • Secure platform; for making the use of the PCS even more secure.

Some of the programme’s elements will deliver significant security benefits straight away. The introduction of MFA is one example. Others, such as implementing chains of trust, will require close coordination and cooperation in the logistics chain. In concrete pilots, Portbase is looking at how this can be done in the most effective way, together with shipping companies, terminals, shippers, forwarders and carriers. Secure data sharing between trusted parties prevents illegal practices.

Wanting it, doing it and working together more!

Most of the technology for securely sharing data together is already available within the PCS. So implementing the programme is primarily a matter of wanting it, doing it and working together more. Portbase is making an extra effort to connect up any parties not yet connected to the PCS – shippers and some forwarders, for example. Ultimately, everyone has an interest in preventing unauthorised access and excesses in the port. That will help us avoid further material and reputational damage. People and data need to be properly protected. Only then can logistics chains operate with maximum reliability, now and in the future!

Ultimately, everyone has an interest in preventing excesses in the port

real time lading informatie direct van de bron

All real-time cargo information direct from the source!

As a forwarder or importer, you are always looking for real-time, direct information on your import cargo. When is the vessel expected to arrive? What is its actual arrival time? What are the B/L details? When will my container actually be discharged? What is the weight? And so on. Of course, you can always consult the shipping company and terminal websites, check with your suppliers and carriers, etc. However, that is not an ideal solution. It does not guarantee quality and simply takes up a lot of your time.

Real-time cargo information day and night

Opt for complete cargo information direct from the source. Over a period of twenty years, Portbase has gradually built up a comprehensive Port Community System (PCS) for the Dutch ports. We now have more than 5,000 participating firms: virtually all the shipping companies, shipbrokers, terminals, road, rail and inland waterway carriers and an increasing number of forwarders and importers. Via the PCS, they exchange real-time information about cargo and transport with each other and with the authorities day and night.

The same cargo information that Customs see

This data can also be available to you. With Cargo Controller, you have real-time access to your B/L cargo data 24 hours a day. You get to see the same data that Customs do. That means all the information for real-time tracking and control of your incoming cargo, brought together in one place. Which prevents queries about declarations and allows your goods to get to the hinterland as quickly as possible.

If you have outsourced this process to others, Cargo Controller makes it easy for you to keep your finger on the pulse. That way you are not dependent on others for your information and you avoid unpleasant surprises in terms of planning.

Data direct from the source. You won’t find anything more complete than Cargo Controller! Easily available in subscription form via the web or an API system link. Interested in Cargo Controller? Request a demo today. Or download our white paper ‘Day and night control of your import cargo’.

Important upgrade for service Transit Declaration

The service Transit Declaration will get an important update. After intense preparations, we started a pilot for Transit Declaration 2.0. This service will ease the process for declarations even more. The duration of the pilot depends on the progress we make. As soon as we are satisfied with the results of the pilot, we will launch the service for all customers. We will contact you by that time.

Some of the advantages of Transit Declaration 2.0 compared to the current version Transit Declaration:

  • A trigger date allows declarations to be sent out automatically at a later point in time
  • Documents can be shared with customers and shippers automatically when customs report the container ‘in transit’
  • Maximum reuse of data from the ATO notification. Blanc declarations will remain possible too.
  • New look & feel: for shipping lines the look and feel are similar to the services Vessel Notification and Cargo Notification Import
  • Ability to (re)view history of events related to the declaration. Who edited/added something and when?
  • New, up-to-date technical basis allows easier compliance with functional requirements. Over time, it will be possible to create a Performing Notification Export Documentation from Transit Declaration 2.0. Once the Container Release Message is launched for Transit Declaration 2.0, the check on ATA will be easy to implement.
  • Involved parties with Transit Declaration can receive updates by integrating an API connection

By the time, the service goes live, more info, FAQ and instruction videos can be found on the support-site.

Get started on digitisation the easy way!

One of the biggest issues in port logistics today is digitisation. The sector has a lot of catching up to do in this regard. On the import side, for example, constant phone calls, e-mails, sending over spreadsheets and consulting shipping company/terminal websites is daily practice for many parties. Or another common scenario: having a truck waiting at the terminal hours in advance because the precise time of discharging the cargo is unknown.

Does that describe you? Perhaps you are thinking about changing but just lack the time to follow through. Besides, your employees are so adept at their current way of working that, with a bit of juggling, things always work out. However, it certainly isn’t a long-term solution. Particularly in today’s context of staff shortages, a new ‘digital’ generation and customers who are increasingly keen to do more digitally.

There is a simple alternative

Why not look into it? For example, by using Portbase’s Cargo Controller service. This offers you extensive track & trace for incoming vessels (ETA, ATA), complete B/L information directly from the source, news of any customs inspections, the discharge time of your cargo and much more, all 24/7. You’ll notice the benefits in practice immediately:

> Up-to-date insight into all required import information at all times
> No more trawling through shipping company and terminal websites
> No more mismatches with customs
> Always submit import declarations at the right moment
> Better planning of follow-up transport, and therefore less demurrage and detention
> Etc.

Your employees will have more time for other things, they’ll have to do less overtime, and most importantly, your service will improve.

So how do you get connected?

You can have it all done for you! Cargo Controller is available day and night via the web with a subscription. Or you can go one step further and use Cargo Controller via an API link. In that case, all the information is fed directly into your own system. But whichever option you choose, with Cargo Controller you can take concrete steps towards digitisation very easily!

Tracking import loads at a glance

With Cargo Controller, you take control of your containers and trailers. Moreover, you can easily follow and see all import loads within the Dutch ports. Want to know how? Discover the possibilities and advantages in our white paper!

Can you submit the customs declaration before the ship’s ATA?

Submitting import declarations has changed significantly with the introduction of the Container Release Message. Since 1 October 2021, customs no longer allow you to submit this declaration before the vessel carrying the cargo is in port. If you do so before the ATA (Actual Time of Arrival), customs will reject the import declaration. You may already have known that, but are you aware that there is an even easier way?

As the notifying party, perhaps you always waited until the ATA anyway. But if you did make use of the leeway offered by customs, you will have had to adapt your working methods. Including all the extra challenges of still getting cargo out of the terminal as quickly as possible.

Preliminary declarations can help

Customs has been offering the option of preliminary declarations for some time. They can be submitted before the ship’s ATA. Customs then process the declaration immediately. In addition, in Cargo Controller we show the ACCEPTED ATA, i.e. accepted by customs, so you can be 100% sure that you can go ahead and make your submission. There are other benefits too.

Benefits of using preliminary declarations

  • You can submit them before the Vessel ATA
  • Customs checks them directly
  • Get an MRN immediately for prenotification of cargo at the terminal
  • Prepare/buffer presentation notifications in advance
  • Prompt notification of any customs inspection (if AEO-certified)
  • Collect cargo immediately after the vessel’s arrival

There is one condition for using preliminary declarations – on the vessel’s arrival, you must confirm the preliminary declaration to customs with a presentation notification. Some notifying parties feel that amounts to doing the same job twice. As a result, preliminary declarations are still not very popular.

Avoid duplication of effort

This lack of popularity is unfortunate and misplaced. A software vendor can automate the presentation notification for you, the notifying party, very easily. This involves embedding a trigger for the vessel’s ATA into your notification software. Upon arrival at the port, the presentation notification then goes directly to customs. No action is required on your part. Employees will never have to monitor terminal websites for up-to-date ATAs again.

Embedding a trigger for a vessel’s ATA is something a software vendor can do for you using the Cargo Controller API from Portbase. Among many other features, this service offers up-to-date insight into the ATAs in the Dutch ports at all times. So why not do it when it’s so easy?! Automating presentation notifications has already allowed scores of Portbase customers to enjoy their weekends in peace and means they no longer have to submit declarations to customs in the evenings.

Tracking import loads at a glance

With Cargo Controller, you take control of your containers and trailers. Moreover, you can easily follow and see all import loads within the Dutch ports. Want to know how? Discover the possibilities and advantages in our white paper!

Never doubt B/L details again

Accurate B/L information! Since October, this has been even more important for submitting import declarations. With the introduction of the Container Release Message, customs have become much stricter. If the shipment number (trailer transport) or the B/L number (container transport) on your import declaration does not match that stated by the ferry operator, shipping company or shipbroker on the Declaration for Temporary Storage (ATO), the shipment will be rejected. The same is true if the gross weight on the import declaration is higher than on the ATO. These are known as mismatches. Previously, customs only checked for them after the fact. Now this takes place immediately upon arrival of the ship. Cargo may only leave the terminal location if the information on the (detailed) declaration and the ATO match.

Ever stricter customs requirements

So the days when you can put ‘just anything’ on an import declaration or afford a typo are over. An error means immediate rejection and therefore delay. Only once the import declaration has been amended can the cargo proceed. And please be aware – customs requirements will only get stricter! Starting from subsequent phases, the Container Release Message will also apply to transit cargo and customs will be checking the weight even more closely.

Be sure of the correct B/L information

So as the notifying party, it is very important that you always know for sure that you have the correct B/L information. The official way is for the carrier (ferry transport) or the shipping company/shipbroker (container transport) to always provide you with the information in a timely manner. But can you always be sure they will? And with all that is going on around them, will your own employees copy the 16 or 17 numbers and letters correctly every time? Every mistake matters and leads to unnecessary delays in transportation.

Portbase offers the solution in the shape of Cargo Controller. This service provides you with the B/L information and weight as they appear on the ATO directly from the source (ferry operator, shipping company, shipbroker) whenever you need it. You can choose to access this data via the web or feed it directly to your systems by means of an API. That way, there can be no mistakes. And Cargo Controller offers much more. Currently, 40% of all our customers’ B/Ls are already linked in Cargo Controller, representing more than 4500 users. You can read all about Cargo Controller and what it can do for you here!

Tracking import loads at a glance

With Cargo Controller, you take control of your containers and trailers. Moreover, you can easily follow and see all import loads within the Dutch ports. Want to know how? Discover the possibilities and advantages in our white paper!

Track & Trace of overseas cargo starts with the ETA

As a freight forwarder, it’s a daily challenge to manage all the incoming cargo from overseas. After all, customers expect you to always deliver their goods to the hinterland at the agreed time and place. Your planning for that starts early with knowledge of the ship’s ETA – the Expected Time of Arrival. When is the scheduled arrival time? At what point do you and your chain partners need to take action? And how can you keep your customers informed from start to finish so that they can optimally plan their own processes?

As a forwarder, the ETA provides the basis for, among other things:

> your own planning
> your choice of follow-up modality
> your choice of carrier
> keeping the end customer fully informed

Knowing the up-to-date ETA is essential. A one-time ETA issued on departure from Asia, for example, is of little use to you. Storms, delays in ports, amendments to sailing schedules: ETAs change by the day – particularly in the current era of disruption to global supply chains. Research by Sea-Intelligence shows that only 34% of global container shipping is currently operating to schedule.

Avoid penalties

As a freight forwarder, you naturally make it your business to be on top of all that. The closer your cargo gets to the port of arrival, the more important reliable ETA information becomes to you. It enables you to effectively prepare follow-up transport and manage your customer’s expectations. In many cases, you will be bound by contractual arrangements including penalty clauses.

As the ship gets closer, handling at the terminal also becomes important. Reliable information about the Actual Time of Arrival (ATA), possible customs inspections, the discharge time of the container or trailer, etc. are crucial triggers for your follow-up actions, such as the Notification Import Documentation or a Notification Local Clearance via Portbase.

Time and money

Between the ETA and the cargo’s departure for the hinterland, there is so much for you to keep in mind. It’s no wonder you have your employees constantly checking shipping company and terminal websites for ETAs and ATAs, no matter how time-consuming and cumbersome that might be (particularly in the current context of staff shortages). Moreover, that approach only works during business hours – what do you do if a ship docks on Saturday night?

With Cargo Controller, Portbase offers a comprehensive, cost-effective track & trace solution for all the challenges listed above. From 24/7 insight into vessel ETAs two to four weeks prior to arrival, comprehensive B/L information, real-time ATAs and discharge times, etc. to access to the appropriate follow-up actions: Cargo Controller has it all in one service. Read more here!

Tracking import loads at a glance

With Cargo Controller, you take control of your containers and trailers. Moreover, you can easily follow and see all import loads within the Dutch ports. Want to know how? Discover the possibilities and advantages in our white paper!