Community Solutions
Portbase offers services for various target groups within the logistics chain. Depending on their role in the chain, companies have access to specific data and functionalities.
For shipping lines, Agents and Shipbrokers
Cargo Controller
Full visibility when tracking your cargo. -
Cargo Declaration Export
Simply submit outgoing manifests to Customs. -
Cargo Declaration Status Report
Timely picture of outstanding summary cargo declarations. -
Cargo Declaration Export Containers
Easily submit outbound customs manifests to Customs. -
Cargo Declaration Import
The central portal for submitting declarations to Customs. -
Cargo Release Manager
A service to move import containers within the Secure Chain. -
Declaration Food and Consumer Products
Efficiently submit border documents to NVWA. -
Discharge Confirmation Report
Insight into discrepancies between declared and actual containers discharged. -
Discharge Information
Service for all communications around (loose) bulk load. -
Discharge List
Easily compile discharge lists and submit them to container terminals. -
Import Status
Real-time insight into the customs status of your incoming cargo at shortsea and ferry terminals. -
Inspection Portal
Complete picture of all scanning and physical inspections. -
Notification Bunkers
Electronic prenotification of planned bunkering activities. -
Notification Crew & Passengers
Notify and report passenger lists. -
Notification Dangerous Goods
Reporting dangerous goods on board -
Arrival Notification Export
Simply report Arrival at Exit to Customs for export cargo. -
Notification Import Documentation
A single portal for all your prenotifications via Notification Import Documentation. -
Notification Ship’s Stores
Notify ship’s stores to Dutch Customs. -
Notification Export Documentation
You have a single portal for all your prenotifications. -
Notification Waste Disposal
Report waste from seagoing vessels to the harbour master. -
Pre-arrival Cargo Declaration Import (4h)
Easily submit Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) to Customs. -
Statement Harbour Dues Amsterdam
Submit statement harbour dues to Amsterdam Port Authority. -
Track & Trace Export
Real-time visibility of your export shipments via the Dutch ports. -
Automatically send REN message to Customs for transhipment cargo. -
Transit Declaration
Submit T1 declarations with just a few clicks of the mouse. -
Veterinary Inspection Process
Fast and efficient logistics around veterinary inspections. -
Vessel Notification
The central portal for all your vessel notifications. -
Vessel Visit API
Retrieve and share vessel-level data.
For inland operators
Track & Trace Export
Real-time visibility of your export shipments via the Dutch ports. -
Notification Export Documentation
You have a single portal for all your prenotifications. -
Hinterland Container Notification
Multimodal prenotification portal for container prenotifications and visits. -
Inland Port Dues
Smooth handling of inland port dues in Rotterdam. -
Import Status
Real-time insight into the customs status of your incoming cargo at shortsea and ferry terminals. -
Notification Import Documentation
A single portal for all your prenotifications via Notification Import Documentation. -
Hinterland Container Notification Rail
Prenotify train visits and containers to terminals and depots. -
Hinterland Container Notification Road
Prenotify visits and containers to terminals and depots. -
Hinterland Container Notification Barge
Prenotify barge visits and containers to terminals and depots.
For shippers & forwarders
Cargo Controller
Full visibility when tracking your cargo. -
Cargo Release Manager
A service to move import containers within the Secure Chain. -
Cargo Declaration Export Containers
Easily submit outbound customs manifests to Customs. -
Declaration Food and Consumer Products
Efficiently submit border documents to NVWA. -
Discharge Information
Service for all communications around (loose) bulk load. -
Import Status
Real-time insight into the customs status of your incoming cargo at shortsea and ferry terminals. -
Notification Export Documentation
You have a single portal for all your prenotifications. -
Notification Import Documentation
A single portal for all your prenotifications via Notification Import Documentation. -
Track & Trace Export
Real-time visibility of your export shipments via the Dutch ports. -
Transit Declaration
Submit T1 declarations with just a few clicks of the mouse. -
Veterinary Inspection Process
Fast and efficient logistics around veterinary inspections.
For terminals
Cargo Declaration Export Containers
Easily submit outbound customs manifests to Customs. -
Clearance Transit Export Containers
Electronic clearance improves terminal flow and enhances the quality of terminal processes. -
Discharge Confirmation Report
Insight into discrepancies between declared and actual containers discharged. -
Discharge Information
Service for all communications around (loose) bulk load. -
Discharge List
Easily compile discharge lists and submit them to container terminals. -
Hinterland Container Notification Barge
Prenotify barge visits and containers to terminals and depots. -
Hinterland Container Notification Road
Prenotify visits and containers to terminals and depots. -
Hinterland Container Notification Rail
Prenotify train visits and containers to terminals and depots. -
Import Status
Real-time insight into the customs status of your incoming cargo at shortsea and ferry terminals. -
Inspection Portal
Complete picture of all scanning and physical inspections. -
Arrival Notification Export
Simply report Arrival at Exit to Customs for export cargo. -
Notification of Arrival Export Containers
Easily receive customs documents and report Arrival at Exit. -
Notification Export Documentation
You have a single portal for all your prenotifications. -
Notification Import Documentation
A single portal for all your prenotifications via Notification Import Documentation. -
RTO Administration
One port-wide RTO administration -
Track & Trace Export
Real-time visibility of your export shipments via the Dutch ports. -
Transit Declaration
Submit T1 declarations with just a few clicks of the mouse.
For government
Notification SafeSeaNet
As the port authority, send all requested information to SPOC NL. -
Differences List
Insight for Customs into how many containers more or fewer than notified are discharged.
Platform solutions
Secure and controlled data sharing -
Vessel Visit API
Retrieve and share vessel-level data.